Dalit Sthree Sakthi organized a seminar on 15th August 2018 at Conference Hall, MakineniBasava Punnaiah VignanaKendram, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh on the eve of 72nd Independence Day on the theme “Equality in Independent India”. National Convener of Dalit Sthree Sakthi Sri Jhansi Geddam presided the program and the dignitaries on the Dais were Prof A Subrahmanyam Rtd Dean of Law, Prof Maqsood Syed, General Secretary of BAMCEF, Dr Siddoji Rao from SC, ST Officers Forum, Devatoti Nagaraju Member of SC Development Council, Anuradha, Manikyam and Kiran from APSEB and Daniel Vijaya Prakash National Program Manager of DSS.

Speaking about the Independent India the dignitaries have highlighted these points:
No remarkable change in 72 years of Independence
The people feelthat independence means the change of power from the hands of the British into the hands of the Indians
Independent India is said to be a big democratic country, whereas the dalits are denied of democracy, self-respect, protection and caste discrimination is still prevailing.
Though many from the SC, STs have been elected to parliament &Assemblies because of reservations, but they have been of no use to the community.
Dalit women in should strive to excel in all fields to achieve equality in society.
After completion of 72 years of Independence a larger sect of people arediscussing about the equality in the country.
Any‘ism’ or any thought survives for some period, later either it has to be modified or moved a step forward, whereas Ambedkar ‘ism’ is still alive in the same pace.
The attitude and perspective of our policy makers and Beurocrats is not desirable.
Dalit women should shed inhibitions and lead an independent life.
Dalit women to treat the boys and girls equally at home to nurture the boys to treat women with respect.
Men and Boys to be sensitized in taking the responsibility of domestic chores
Dalit women to start respecting themselves to get respect from others.
Dalit women and dalit youth are to come forward and walking in the right path is the only solution to overcome the present vulnerable situation
Dalit movements need to re structure and it is necessary we also have to reshape ourselves.
Castiesm still prevails and the people are becoming caste centred.
Inspite of stringent laws, there is no safety and protection to dalits.
Ambedkar fought for women reservation in those days, but still there is Act and inequality among men and women prevails.
Intellectuals to play a pivotal role in spreading awareness on the need for equality, and that economic progress of dalits would pave the way for social equality.
Education is a key to break caste barriers.
In India, Independence Day is celebrated only as an official function in offices, educational and other institutions, but no one celebrates in their homes with gaiety, whereas in some other countries, like France, where Independence Day and republic day are celebrated by all people with lot of fun, play and gaiety.
The people have never felt they had real freedom and that since it was only a transfer of power
In India there is no equality and fraternity.
Many reformists took lot of reforms but Brahmanical culture destroyed ethics and they developed slavish culture which still persists
People to know the value of vote and think about the value of political power.
Every person should gain equal opportunity and we need to promote Common School System
In these 72 years the minority are ruling the majority with the consent of the majority. Therefore, on this Independence Day we all need to look for the ways forward and chalk out a concrete action plan to overcome all the challenges.
The relationship between state and people is inequal.
Indians are not civilized enough, they don’t know definition of equality. We have two types of in equalities, one is absolute inequality another is man made inequality. In our constitution we have equality but we don’t have in society, with out social, economic equality there is no political equality.
The dignitaries on the dais and the participants have felt that the discussions were good and need of the hour.
The inputs given by the dignitaries were very in depth and needs to be percolated both downwards and upwards.
The concepts have also reached large masses through the media.
