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Joining Hand - Collective Actions with Like-Minded Organizations

No rights organization can function in isolation and DSS doesn't subscribe to the notion of isolated functioning. In fact, the chief objective of DSS is to sensitize and mobilize the support of all sections of population at the State, National and International levels, to the dalit women movement for rights and justice. In the past 15 years DSS could focus the dalit women question on the agenda of all, through its campaigns, public hearings, public meetings, protest actions and other activities.

Networking reflects the perception of interdependence of different actors within the communities. It is a means and carrier of mobilization as well as a flexibility-oriented organizational strategy. In this setting, DSS understands networking as a meaningful communication with other NGOs, media, political parties and others for the achievement of its goals in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation. With this perspective, DSS made every effort to mobilize the support of all possible sections, particularly, democratic minded organizations, political parties, women and dalit organizations, for the cause of promoting the human rights of dalit women and girl children.

Our Growing Partnerships with Network Partners

DSS took initiative and formed a network of likeminded organizations, called State Women's Rights Forum in the year 2008 for the purpose of addressing major incidents of violence against women at state level.

DSS was always invited by other mass organizations to participate in their programmes and DSS always attended those events. On those platforms, DSS presented its views with a dalit women perspective, thereby advocated the cause of dalit women. DSS attended umpteen meetings organized by Dr. Ambedkar Open University, University of Hyderabad, etc. Whenever, a democratic struggle was going on under the leadership of anyone, DSS always took part in the struggle. When students of various Universities were struggling against the high handed and authoritarian actions of the Vice- Chancellor, DSS was part of the struggle. In the recent event of discrimination of dalit scholars of UoH, DSS was part of the struggle of the Dalit Scholars.

DSS participated, collaborated in conducting campaigns carried out under the auspicious of other NGOs and government.

When, National Dalit Movement for Justice launched national campaign demanding amendments for SC, ST (PoA) Act, DSS played an active role at state and national levels. We conducted meetings, seminars on the issue, published a booklet in regional language and widely circulated. Due to the concerted efforts of everyone at the national level, the demand was achieved and the Act was amended as desired by the people.

DSS was part the campaign on '60 years of Indian Constitution' and was instrumental in the Joint Action Committees formed for '20 Years of SC, ST (PoA) Act', etc. Similarly, when Dalits were brutally massacred in Laximpet, Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh over land rights issue, State level protest against the massacre took place. A concerted effort of Joint Action Committee to punish the culprits, to do justice to the dalit victims of Laximpet took place under the   united   banner   'Laximpet   Nyaya   Porata Samithi'. DSS was part of this network in seriously building and participating in the movement. Likewise, we collaborated with CERI on the issue of election reforms and conducted meetings in the State and translated and published the booklets pertaining to Electoral Reforms.

DSS, not only collaborated with other organizations, but carried on a continuous contact and rapport with government departments, rights commissions and media. For all the public hearings, round table conferences and general body meetings, DSS involved government officials, functionaries of commissions and media representatives.

As we continued to engage with dalit women across the two states of A.P. and Telangana, our work brought us into several short-term and long- term collaborations with other organizations in the region during the past decade.

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