Dalit Sthree Sakthi organized a conference on the eve of Republic Day on 26th January 2018 at SC Corporation Hall, Guntur on the theme “Constitution and Governance”. Sri Praveen Kumar IAS, participated as the chief guest and dignitaries that spoke on the occasion were: Sri Dokka Manikya Vara Prasad, MLC, Sri Laxman Rao, Ex. MLC, Prof. A. Subrahmanyam, Rtd Dean of Law, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Sri Krishna Kumari, Ex. General Manager, GMR, Jhansi Geddam, National Convener of DSS.
The meeting commenced with the introduction of the objectives of the conference by Sri G. Daniel Prakash, National Program Manager of DSS.
To sensitize the Dalits and public in general about the importance of rule of law and constitutional governance.
To know the reasons for the failure of the political and administrative machinery in implementing the constitution.
To explain the reasons for continuance of untouchability and other discriminatory practices on the Dalits.
To enlighten the Dalits and public about the need for pressurizing the administration to follow constitution and rule of law.
All the dignitaries expressed their views on the importance of constitutional governance and the points that emerged from their speeches are as follows:
The fruits of the constitution are enjoyed only by a few and has not percolated to the downtrodden.
Administration is in the hands of a few corporates and elite only.
Constitutional norms are thrown to wind and castes and caste associations are reaping the benefits of governance.
Even the caste associations that are supposed to work for the abolition of caste system are being used for personal ends by the concerned leaders.
It is sad to note that there is not much contribution from the intellectuals for building a people’s movement for a just society.
Dalit women have to get enlightened and take up the responsibility of struggling for establishing a just social order.
It is a stark reality that there are two sections -- the stronger and weaker-- in the society and it is only the weaker sections and Dalits that are always insisting for implementation of the constitution.
The gap between the strong and weaker sections is very wide and it is necessary to reduce this gap.
One can notice, that the dominant sections are concentrating on development and power while the downtrodden are ensnared in asking for welfare measures and rights.
We are in a sad situation in which from the village elders to Supreme Court judges there is none who renders justice.
Constitution came into force on this day and it is all the result of the efforts of the great personality, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar.Everyone should know that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is not representative of any one section but he is for all and everyone.
Women are more committed and sharper than others and it is the responsibility of the women to achieve their empowerment.
If the constitution is completely and properly implemented it brings about social transformation.
Constitution is not implemented so far and the fruits of independence did not reach the masses and that is why the masses are not celebrating Republic Day or Independence Day. Republic day is celebrated as official function only without people’s participation, which is evidence that people are not feeling that they got independence.
Several women, leaders and members of Women collectives participated and listened to the speeches with rapt attention.