Round Table Conference (RTC) was conducted on 24th February 2024 at Ambedkar Bhavan, Lenin Centre, Vijayawada. Twenty women victims of various atrocities and who are struggling to access justice attended the RTC. RTC is a facilitation meeting in which the officers will have the opportunity to directly listen to the woes of women victims of atrocities in accessing justice. This direct interaction with the group of women victims provides occasion for all the concerned officers of various departments in the justice administration system, social welfare and other departments to plug the loopholes and render justice to the hapless victims, who have been running from pillar to post in pursuit of compensation, rehabilitation, trial of cases, etc.
It is a fact that apart from physical injury, the victims of atrocity undergo a lot of trauma and this trauma continues and intensifies further, due to the problems faced by them in accessing justice, resulting in mental health problems like depression, suicidal thoughts etc. Apart from sadness, the depression victims experience pains, cramps, digestive problems, anxious, empty mood, feelings of hopelessness or pessimism and irritability. It is highly essential to counsel the victims and assist them to snap out of depression and trauma.
In this RTC held on 24th November 2024 Sri. Jayaraj, District Judge, Retd, Sri Jesu Ratna Kumar District Judge, Retd, Sri Rajendra Prasad, State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Sri Ratna Pradeep, Engineer and Founder President of Raja Gruha, Undavalli, Prof. Kumar, Sri Srinivas Rao, National ST Association General Secretary, attended as Jury members and made several recommendations for the redressal of grievances of the victims and counselled the victims.
On 24th November 2024 by 10.00 a.m. the RTC commenced and victims and witnesses gathered to explain in detail their arduous journey in accessing justice. Several representatives of mass organizations, media representatives and DSS volunteers were also present.
Ms. Jhansi Geddam, National Convener of Dalit Sthree Sakthi who presided over the RTC explained the objectives of the RTC and background of the atrocities, pending stage of the case, pending stage of payment of compensation and other details. Jhansi called out each victim to narrate their case and before their narration; she explained the type of atrocity, present situation of case for each victim. The Jury Members listened to each victim’s presentation and responded as follows:
Sri. Jayaraj, District Judge Retd said that:
He appreciated DSS work in facilitating the redressal of the rights of the victims. He felt sad to see that so many victims are unable to get justice for such a long time. He said “I have vast knowledge about justice system, but it is the first time I am seeing a lot of victims in single table for justice, I feel very sad.” Dr. B.R. Ambedkar provided us various rights in the constitution like right to equality, right to life etc. SC, ST (PoA) Act is a powerful weapon to eradicate violence against Dalits and Adivasis. It is like a protective cover for the Dalits. It is necessary to spread awareness about this Act.
Earlier, major atrocities like Karamchedu and Neeru Konda occurred which ignited large scale people’s movement. Even after two decades of those major atrocities, it is sad to note that atrocities on Dalits are still continuing. I should say that the mindset of courts and judges also is not objective. There are justices who feel that the rape cases filed by dalit Adivasi women on upper castes are false, since these justices opine that upper castes would feel that they would be polluted if they touch a dalit woman, hence they wouldn’t have raped her. Dalit Adivasi women should unitedly struggle to change the society and also the legal system to act more fairly and objectively. I have not seen so many victims assembling at one place and today seeing all of you without access to justice is so pathetic. I will see my best to resolve your problems and you can contact me for any help.
Sri. Jesu Rathna Kumar, Retd District Judge:
He remembered the women activist Malala and mentioned that Dalit Women often feel disheartened when they are denied justice in the courts. They feel that the Judge hasn’t listened to their woes or the advocate hasn’t fought for her cause. Jesu Rathna Kumar stressed that the root for losing a case lies while writing a complaint. We lack the knowledge of how to systematically write a complaint and furnish all the details of the complaint.
The loop holes in our complaint are used against us by the lawyers of the accused eventually making us lose the case. Due to the grave atrocities committed on Dalit Adivasi Women, they feel that the accused should be strongly punished. But, for the judge to punish the accused, necessary evidence and proof should be provided. The lack of awareness of Dalit Adivasi women about summons and notices is also a drawback in following the case properly. Unless proper addresses are updated in the courts, notices and summons cants be reached. Jesu Rathna Kumar pointed that the judicial system punishes the accused based on facts and evidences but not based on the grievance of the victims. The data in the court records varies from the data in the version of the victims. This is another reason for losing the case. He said that everyone should be aware of laws, acts and court proceedings. Legal knowledge is a must for every individual. He strengthened the victims and asked them not to be frightened about the false cases that the accused have put on them. He appreciated Dalit Sthree Sakthi for supporting the victims in the legal journey and promised that the judicial system will always be in support for the victims of violence.
Sri. Rajendra Prasad:
He said that Dalits are discriminated at each and every corner of the country irrespective of his/her education, designation and economic situation. Education and awareness are the keys to abolish caste system and establish a society with equality. The ancient system of caste and class differentiation was created for the benefit of the dominant castes and dalit community never benefitted from it.
Thus, it is need of the hour to create awareness about education. All the children should be educated and no one should be sent as labourers. He mentioned that the ratio of atrocities on dalit Adivasi girl children is more when compared to others. This is because, the economic situation of dalit Adivasi families force them to leave their children and go to work which is not the case when it comes to dominant castes. He stressed that educating the children is a must to wipe away such disparities.
Sri Rathna Pradeep, Founder of Raja Gruha & Engineer, BSNL:
He said that Dalit Adivasi women are the victims of violence, discrimination and atrocities for the past thousands of years. In order to eradicate this, we must acquire knowledge and awareness. Proper implementation of Indian Constitution would help us out of all these problems, but the rulers in politics and administration belonging to dominant castes would not be happy and supportive to implement it.
Indian history and heritage which is considered to be one of the greatest in the world had instances of levying taxes on the breasts of dalit Adivasi women, forcefully marrying girl children to elderly men, forcing them as temple prostitutes and many more brutal practices. Even though such kind of brutal practices have been legally abolished, the discrimination on is still continuing. Promoting the implementation of the Constitution is the only way to counter this age-old mind set of discriminating women on the basis of caste and gender. He said that the women victims of violence should be strong and resilient. They should seek help from organizations like Dalit Sthree Sakthi to write a proper complaint, narrating the issue clearly to the court and strong will to fights against the odds. He also mentioned that everyone is educated and awareness is spreading in a good way, it would be a good idea to arrange small meetings in individual houses and teach everyone about Ambedkar ideology, equality and fraternity. We should also actively participate in the political front and not to sell our votes. He warned everyone that we should not encourage political parties that support manuvada and similar ideologies that discriminate people on the basis of caste. We should be responsible citizens and vote for leaders who support Ambedkar Ideology.
Sri Srinivas:
He said that Ambedkar ideology is the root for abolishing all kinds of discrimination on women. A good society around us is only possible if everyone abides to constitutional values and duties. We should educate our children about the situations in the society and develop strength and resilience in them to fight against all odds. We have been victims of violence and discrimination because we lack economic, social and political empowerment. Therefore, it should be our primary objective to be empowered in all aspects and provide a good future to our kids.
Hoe the Victims Narrated their woes before the Jury: