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Writer's pictureDalit Sthree Sakthi


DSS conducts gender campaign every year from 25th November to 10th December.  This is called as 16days activism by UN Women.  UN calls for international campaign against all forms of violence on women for these 16 days. UN designated November 25th as International Day for Elimination of Violence on Women and calls for vigorous campaign for 16 days.  Though all governmental and non-governmental institutions throughout the world are expected to implement this call to spread awareness in the society to end all forms of violence on women.  But none of these institutions are responding to this call nor carrying out campaigns against violence on women.  DSS seriously implements this campaign and conducts various events from 25th November to 10th December every year.    This year, the UN selected “Time to Act Now” as the theme for the 16 days activism of 2024. 

The annual feature of 16 days activism gender campaign by DSS has created impact in sensitizing the society in general and youth in particular about gender issues. This year also DSS launched its gender campaign on 25th November 2024 and carried on the campaign vigorously for 16 days in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.   During these 16 days, DSS conducted Conferences, legal clinics, meetings in slums and educative campaigns to adolescents and youth in schools, hostels and colleges in both the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

25th November: Inauguration of Gender Campaign:

The campaign was inaugurated at Ambedkar Bhavan, Vijayawada.  Sri. CA Manikumar, General Manager, TRICOR. Government of A.P.  flagged off and launched the campaign.  After launching the campaign, a conference was conducted, in which Sri. C.A. Manikumar participated as Chief Guest.  Other dignitaries that participated in the conference are: Sri. Tara Chand, CGM, Telecom department, Sri. Sailaja, DE, A.P. Transco, Sri. Padmaja, Principal, Siddartha College and representatives of various organisations, Sri. Anupama, State Coordinator, Bhumika, Hemalatha from DBRC, Gnana Sundari from Peoples’s Human Rights Council and Sri. Mao Zedong dalit activist.  DSS coordinators, Roja and Rani and large number of women participated in the conference.

Sri Jhansi Geddam, National Convener, Dalit Sthree Sakthi who presided over the conference

explained about the importance of 16 days activism and how DSS has been conducting the campaign.  She explained that during these 16 days, gender campaign will be conducted in the two Telugu states by educating people in slums, villages, mandal and district headquarters, schools and colleges.

Sri Manikumar, General Manager, TRICOR. Government of A.P recalled and said: the great efforts of

Savitri Bhai Phule and Dr. B R Ambekar in educating the women. We should concentrate on the education of our children as followers of Ambedkar.  Human development index is dependent on the development of women.  We can see the high-level participation of women in European countries in the areas of their economy and politics.  In our country the participation of women in economy and politics is very less.  We don’t have significant number of women in political positions, except in Bengal where Chief Minister is a woman.    We should introspect on why women are not progressing in our country.  Lack of education is one important reason.  Atrocities are being committed on oppressed women, but the downtrodden sections of women are unable to fight for justice as they have to struggle for their everyday living.  I noticed this in the areas where I worked. We should know that change doesn’t take place overnight.  Change can take place in course of time and increasing awareness among the oppressed sections is important in bringing about this change.  Mothers can properly educate their children and this can happen only when mothers are educated and enlightened.

Sri. Padmaja, Principal of Siddartha Mahila College, called for enlightenment of women to solve their own problems.  She said, for example, domestic violence is practiced by men and it is the

women who are sufferers to become conscious and struggle against such violence.   She cited her college situation and said: of the entire girl students, majority of the girls come from oppressed castes and classes.  I always tell them to concentrate on education and develop in life.

 I regularly educate them that during this age they should be under the care of their parents and should not become victims of mobile phone and internet. She felt that the parents should take continuous responsibility of their children.  Most parents are taking excuse saying that they are busy and not able to attend to their children which is totally wrong.  Parents should watch their children and guide them continuously.  If children get proper education, the disparities like caste and gender will vanish over a time.    

Sri. Sailaja, DE, A.P. TRANSCO, expressed that change should start from us and in our families.  There should be unity among all of us and we can achieve anything only when we are united. We should support and strengthen organisations like DSS who have been educating women for the past 19 years.  We can achieve unity through conferences and campaigns like this.

Sri. Tara Chand, CGM, Telecom, called for understanding the vision of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and the

constitution framed by him. It is necessary to pay attention on boys and socialise them with a gender perspective.  We implement discipline and keep girls in control but neglect the boy. 

Sri. Anupama, Bhumika, spoke on all forms of violence on women and pointed out that insulting a woman and her self -respect is also violence. We don’t have clarity on violence.  When your husbands beat you, you won’t feel that your right and self-respect is violated.  Other women remain mute spectators to violence on women.  This is due to lack of awareness of rights and lack of unity.  It is totally wrong to remain mute spectators to violence on other women.

 We should condemn violence on other women and intervene in support of the victim.  As mothers you are suffering violence without resistance and the children learn the same to bear violence in silence.  This is how the culture of violence is passed on from generation to generation.  We can stop violence from passing on from generation to generation only when we oppose and resist violence when practiced on us.    There should be change in our families.  We should stop discriminating girls in the families and treat boys and girls in the same manner.

Sri. Hemalatha, DBRC, appreciated DSS campaign and felt that such campaigns should be

conducted by all NGOs.  She recollected her days as coordinator in DSS and told that she learnt a lot from DSS.  She commended DSS and felt that even one day at DSS will bring about improvement in the life of that person.  16 days activism helps in sensitising the society on gender issues.  It is DSS alone that is implementing this UN programme in the country. 

Mao Zedong, Activist, welcomed the campaign of DSS in eradicating violence on women and changing the society to an amiable and peaceful society.  It is unfortunate that even one percent of our Indian population are aware of the fact that constitution is not implemented in our country.  We changed to constitutional governance from king’s governance only in theory, but in actual practice only autocratic rule is going on.  Successive governments are privatising everything and abolishing public sector. All the four estates which should be functioning for the society are only involved in making money.  People should be enlightened about the present situation and people should struggle for implementation of constitution.  Organisations like DSS are doing wonderful work in making the society gender sensitive. 


Gnana Sundari, said all women organisations are working for the enlightenment of oppressed

women and called the women to get educated and educate their children.  She appreciated the vigorous campaign being conducted by DSS on gender issues.  She pointed out that it is necessary to put aside our egos and adjust in the family relations.  It is necessary to develop unity among the oppressed sections for protecting our rights.  

DSS Coordinators Ms. Rani and Ms. Roja made all arrangements of the venue.  Ms. Rani presented vote of thanks. 



National Constitution Day - Equality – Constitution of India

Dalit Sthree Sakthi conducted a conference on “Equality – Constitution of India” on the occasion of National Constitution Day at JC College of Law, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Justice K G Shanker, Retd. High Court Judge, Shri Jesu Rathna Kumar, Retd. District Judge, Shri Leelavati, Secretary, District Legal Service Authority and Shri Jhansi Geddam National Convenor, Dalit Sthree Sakthi attended as speakers. Dr Sudhakar Babu, Principal, JC College of Law presided the conference.

Shri Jhansi Geddam, National Convenor, Dalit Sthree Sakthi explained about the object of gender campaign.  UN calls for campaign against elimination of all forms of violence on women for 16 days called as “16 days activism”.  DSS has been carrying out this campaign every year, in response to UN call.  She explained the students of JC College of Law about the need to inculcate constitutional values in daily life of the society.   She spoke about the present situation of equality of women and the recent Beijing +30 review that was held by UN in Bangkok in November 2024.

 She attended this review meeting from India.  She shared her experience in the Beijing +30 review meeting about the situation of marginalised women and girl children in India. She mentioned that equality is one the basic constitutional value that needs to be promoted among the society.

Justice K G Shankar during his speech explained about the difference between the dominion and republic status. Republic is a state which is governed by the principle – By the people, of the people,

for the people; whereas dominion is a state which acts as a subsidiary to the British Rule. Post independence first Prime Minister, Nehru was keen on establishing India as a Republic than being a Dominion. Justice Shankar elaborated about the framing of the Constitution of India and how various provincial legislatures prevailed before the adoption of Constitution of India.

He explained about the importance of Quit India Movement in the course of struggle for independence and how all the legislators have resigned during that period. And after the World War, these legislators have been restored and these legislators were elected into the Constituent Assembly. 

Dr. B R Ambedkar was not allowed to contest from Bombay, even though he preferred it wanted to. Then, he contested from Bengal and was elected and was in the Constituent Assembly. In 1947, when India was divided, the part of the Bengal from where Dr B R Ambedkar was elected got separated from India and is now no longer a part of India. Hence, Dr B R Ambedkar lost his membership in the Constituent Assembly. He was again made to contest from Bombay and was offered a place in the Constituent Assembly. The preliminary committee consisted of around 98 members and few of them who were Muslims, decided to have a separate country for them and they left. Remaining members have formed into different committees and one of those committees was Drafting Committee. Justice Shankar presented an over view of how Dr. B R Ambedkar was elected as the President of drafting committee of the constituent Assembly. At a later stage a rough draft of the Constitution was framed based on the Government of India Act, 1935. Several committees were formed for various sections of the Constitution and there were discussions about what clauses should be included and what should be excluded. One particular inclusion was which stated that “No person shall be deprived of his life and personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law”. But Ambedkar’s version of this article was to follow the “due process of law”. 

Shri Jesu Rathna Kumar, Retd District Judge during his speech mentioned the difference between federal system and unitary system of constitution and how Indian Constitution was framed based on these two.  Apart from giving the brief overview of how constitution was framed. He explained

that at the time when the constitution was framed the country was undergoing crisis and there was large scale illiteracy and untouchability was highly prevalent during those days. 

The country was suffering with extreme poverty. There were starvation deaths due to poverty at the time when constitution was being framed. Our constitution is the lengthiest constitution, but its length is its strength. Minute aspects like salaries of the judges also was prescribed in the constitution to protect their independence, so that they are not dependent on the executive for their salaries.He detailed about several case laws that made the fantastic interpretations to the Constitution of India. One of such case laws was Maneka Gandhi vs Govt of India. This case turned the way how life and personal liberty was looked at. He also spoke about the Rule of law and how Indian Constitution was based upon it. He mentioned that Rule of law was a principle that included three conditions among which one was Equality before Law. He observed that constitutional awareness is very less and most of the people in this country are constitutional illiterates. Professionals like doctors, engineers etc are not aware of the constitution. Even the law students study constitution only for getting pass marks. He concluded his speech explaining about different provisions on equality in Constitution of India.

Shri Leelavathi, DLSA spoke about the awareness about the Constitution and she observed that most of the educated are also not aware of the Constitution and its importance. We celebrate

26th November as Constitution Day but, the Constitution actually came into force on 26th January 1950 and that was the day when we got total freedom. Dr B r Ambedkar is known as the father of the Constitution as he was the chairman of the drafting committee. There were reasonable number of women in the constituent assembly. Article 39A of the Indian Constitution directs for free Legal Aid and based on this article Legal Services Authority act was framed in 1987. As per this act women, SC/ST communities and other marginalised people are entitled for free Legal Aid.

Shri Sudhakar Babu, Principal, JC College of Law, presided over the function. In his presidential remarks he elaborated on the importance of Constitution Day. He appreciated DSS for choosing the

topic of equality because Equality is the important foundation of any democratic society. He stressed that the students of law need to get expertise in Constitutional interpretation of various articles, since constitution is the basic law and all laws get their validity in consonance with constitution. If any law is against any constitutional provision, such a law is void.

Students and faculty members participated in the conference enthusiastically.


Campaign In Schools and Colleges

The campaign was conducted in the following schools and colleges


Gender Campaign Schedule(November 25th to December 10th 2024)




Place / Area

District / State



Inaugural Meeting - Flag Hoisting

RR Pet Community Meeting

Press Club VijayawadaRR pet

NTR DistrictAndhra Pradesh



Conference on National Constitution Day, Anganwadi School Teachers meet, Rajiv NagarVambay Colony (Evening)

JC College of Law, GunturVambay ColonyVijayawada

Guntur District, APNTR Dt



1. SRR and CVR Govt Degree College 2. Rani Gari Thota Community Meeting 3. SRR and CVR Junior College4. Singh Nagar Anganwadi teachers meet5.New  RR Peta Community Meeting


Ranigari Thota Machavaram       Sing Nagar           New RR Peta   

NTR DistrictAndhra Pradesh



1. MR Print Pack Company, 2. Govt High School, Jakkampudi3. Govt. Junior College, Kabela

Surampalli       Jakkampudi       Kabela

NTR DistrictAndhra Pradesh



1. Govt High School, 2. Govt High School, 3 Kandrika Community meeting

 Vambay Colony                Kandrika

NTR DistrictAndhra Pradesh



Old RR Pet Community meeting                                          Giri Puram Community meeting                                                Vombay Colony Meet

Old RR Pet 

Giri Puram

YSR Colony

NTR DistrictAndhra Pradesh








1.Press Conference,             2. Slum, Moti Nagar

Basheerbagh Press ClubMoti Nagar




1. Hetero Company2. Audaiah High School, 3. Slum, Prasanth Nagar

JeedimetlaRani GunjBalanagar




1. Govt. High School, 2. Govt. High School, 3. Govt. High School, 4. Govt. High School,

NampallyGandhi BhavanRaj BhavanErramanzil




1. Govt. High School, 2. Keys Way GHS 3. Govt. Girls High School, Monda Market

KalasigudaHyderabad Secunderabad




Legal Clinic on Violence against Dalit Adivasi Women and Girl Children

Ambedkar Resource Centre, Lakdikapool




1. Ranga Reddy Model High School and College2. KGBV, Shabad

Chevella                    Shabad

RR DistrictTelangana



1. ACS Nagar Slum meet

ACS Nagar




1. Ramantapur Slum                                                                   2. CC Nagar slum                                                                           3. Bansilal pet                                                                                       4. Gandhinagar                                                                                        5. Domalguda slum

Ramantapur           CC Nagar Bansilal pet               Gandhinagar            Domalguda       

Medchal District Telangana




Conference on Human Rights Day

Ambedkar Resource Centre, Lakdikapool



In all the selected educational institutions Jhansi Geddam narrated about the significance of the UN Gender campaign which is carried on every year throughout the world. The UN Women titled this campaign as ’16 days activism’ which means sensitizing the society to end all forms of discrimination against women. These 16 days activism commences on 25th November of every year and ends on Human Rights Day i.e., 10th December of every year. She gave details of various forms of violence going on the society and such violence is more pronounced on dalit women and girl children. She made the children and youth understand the position of women in this gender discriminated society by taking examples from household activities.

She spoke about the vicious culture that has been spreading rampantly among the children and teenagers which is due to movies and media. Imitating the film heroes by passing comments on teachers and girls or saying out the dialogues from the films are some of the bad influences of movies on the present-day youth. In an age where they should be loved and adored by teachers and their parents, youth are falling into the trap of so-called “love” from the movies. At such a tender age, children are exposed to pornography, drugs, violence etc. which has a devastating effect on their life. The entire society is affected by the kind of children that is being brought up in the present generation. Education should be primary goal in shaping a child’s life and career. Awareness about the good and bad paths in the society will give children clarity of what life can be by choosing a good path rather than spoiling by choosing a bad one.

She further explained the children about the traditions which dictate the gender roles and the need to come out of stereo types of gender roles and understanding. Not only social practices, even the educational curriculum teaches that father is head of the family and that mother cooks food for the family. Whenever a mother needs to go out, she has to take permission from the father, but the father never asks for permission from mother to go out of the house. Certain chores like sweeping, washing utensils, cooking, bringing water etc. are considered as womanly and from the childhood it is done by girls. In the family itself from the childhood, daughters are assigned the tasks of sweeping the house and washing the utensils while the sons are allowed to play outside. If anyone tries to break the stereotype and tries to set out an example, the neighboring families would make fun of them. For example, in any household if a man or his son starts cooking or cleans the utensils, they would make fun of him by calling names. She mentioned that all these stereotypes are embedded in the society and it needs continuous awareness from the very childhood to break them free from those shackles. The children were impressed about the need to dump these stereotype roles and backward concept of looking at some chores as low and womanly. They were impressed about the need to achieve equality of women in every sphere for rapid growth of the country and for a better future. She told that now the older people can’t be changed but children should understand and change and grow as modern citizens.

She also mentioned that most of the time the teachers and parents limit themselves to paying attention to marks, ranks and studies of the children. Nobody is investing time to train the children in moral values and responsible behavior. It is of utmost and urgent need to train the children and educate them on values and the need to be part of nation building. It is necessary to educate the children about basic gender concepts and inspire them towards simple living and high thinking. With this idea in the background, DSS always trains the children on gender, national and constitutional values in a manner which they can understand.

Jhansi Geddam, motivated the children at every school to study well and aim at becoming a high lever officer like IAS/IPS officers. Only when a high position is achieved one can contribute to the society and eradicated inequalities. The children in every school were told about the POCSO Act and the dangers of indulging in deviant behavior.  She warned the children how dangerous it would be if the children get addicted to bad habits. If anyone indulges in deviant behavior and get involved in police cases, their future will be spoiled, hence it is necessary to adhere to school discipline. She thanked the heads of all educational institutions for arranging the children for this campaign. These heads not only arranged for the campaign but, they also actively participated and they educated the children about gender. The children were inspired to study well and with education only the differences on the basis of caste, religion etc can be eradicated.

The heads of the institutions appreciated DSS and Jhansi Geddam for conducting the gender campaign and told the children to follow the ideas explained to them by Jhansi Geddam.

Gender Campaign – Slums, Villages and Companies

Jhansi Geddam spoke about the importance of Gender Campaign and its relevance in the present day. She narrated about the significance of the UN Gender campaign which is carried on every year throughout the world. The UN Women titled this campaign as ’16 days activism’ which means sensitizing the society to end all forms of discrimination against women. These 16 days activism commences on 25th November of every year and ends on Human Rights Day i.e., 10th December of every year. She gave details of various forms of violence going on the society and such violence is more pronounced on dalit women and girl children. In the society, women are considered as 2nd class citizen and subjected to work load, low payments for the work and sexual exploitation/harassment. They are denied their equitable share in all natural and economic resources. Hence it is necessary to sensitize the society on this gender discrimination and motivate the women and girl children to face all challenges and march ahead. These 16 days vigorous gender campaign is conducted in towns, villages, slums, schools and colleges to increase awareness of all on gender oppression and the need to achieve gender equality. She pointed out the deep-rooted traditions in perpetuating gender inequality.

She elucidated the gender norms and their reinforcement in socialization within the home, society, and educational curriculum. Boys are free to roam around and play, and they attend private schools, while girls are trained to perform household tasks like sweeping and washing utensils at home and are sent to government schools.  Girls are not allowed to continue their education beyond high school, and many get married before they turn eighteen. More and more child marriages are taking place among the Dalits, backward castes of rural areas.  Women who are in the role of mothers should become conscious of these social evils and should fight for ending discrimination of girls within the family and resist child marriages of their girl children.

In addition to oppression, discrimination many girls are being cheated in the name of love.  Male youth are seducing girls, many minor girls and sexually exploiting them by promising marriage and abandoning them after some time.  The number of such instances of cheating is increasing.  In a number of such cases, the girl is made pregnant and abandoned. These girls go through terrible struggles since they are shunned by their families and society and are a source of shame.   Due to a lack of cooperation from the police and judiciary, the majority of these girls do not receive any legal relief, compensation or rehabilitation.  Realizing all of these facets of discrimination and gender oppression it is essential to educate women and girls about gender issues and create awareness. She briefed the gathering about how DSS team is campaigning at all levels and in schools and colleges.   She stressed the need for continuous gender education and at levels including school curriculum.

Jhansi Geddam, in her speeches pointed out that women are not growing conceptually and in terms

of social consciousness.  They are only working and producing things but not developing intellectually.   It is necessary for the women to increase their awareness about the social and political situation.  She pointed out that poor women are attending the meetings of all political parties for the small amounts of remuneration given by those parties.   This is against their self-respect and should be stopped.  Withing the family also the women is unable to maintain the equal status though she is earning.  This unequal situation is leading to domestic violence.

Press Conference on Gender Campaign Against Violence on Women

As part of the gender campaign, DSS arranged Press Conference with network organisations at Press Club, Basheer Bagh on 2nd December 2024.  The heads of the organisations that attended the press conference were:

·         Jhansi Geddam, Dalit Sthree Sakthi

·         Ms. Rukmini Rao, Gramya Resource Centre for Women

·         Ms. Satyavati, Bhumika Resource Centre

·         Ms. Sandhya, POW

·         Ms. Sajaya, Women and Transgender, JAC

·         Ms. Krishna Kumari, Free lance journalist

·         Ms. Usha Rani, Sannihita

·         Ms. Saraswathi, Safai Karmachari Andholan

Jhansi Geddam explained that 16 days activism is a UN programme to eradicate all forms of violence on women.  UN women give a call to conduct gender campaign for equity and for

eradication of violence against women from November 25th to December 10th of every year. DSS has been conducting this campaign in the two Telugu states for the past 19 years without fail.  The objective of DSS is to sensitize the society against all forms of violence against women in general and dalit/adivasi women and girl children in particular.  During these 16 days DSS conducts campaign in slums, villages, mandal headquarters, schools, colleges to educate the society about gender disparities and the need to end all forms of violence on women. All the above head of organisations spoke about the need for eradication of violence on women and stressed the need for commitment on the part of the government to streamline all systems to end violence on women.  They called upon the media to pay special attention in focusing the ways to end violence on women, irrespective the political affiliations of the media.  They felt the need to conduct review meetings at the grass root level to know the reality at the ground level and devise ways and means to eradicate violence on women. 


Legal Clinic

As part of 16 days activism, a Legal Clinic was conducted on 6th December at Ambedkar Resource Centre, Lakadikapool Pool, Hyderabad.  Legal Clinic is conducted annually in which all concerned officials and the victims are made to sit and interact with each other, so that the officials will have direct knowledge of the case from the victims and will have the opportunity to render justice.  The victims will be able to explain the gaps and problems faced by them in accessing justice and the officials will be able to directly see the agony of the victims and witnesses.  In this legal clinic, about 40 cases of atrocities, like brutal murders, gang rapes, rapes, kidnap and rapes, cheating in the name of love, acid attack, suicides and sexual abuse etc on dalit women and girl children were selected and all details of the cases were presented in the jury of the legal clinic.

The officials that attended the clinic as Jury members are: 

Ms. Divya Devarajan. IAS, Nodal Officer, Praja Vani, Govt of TS and CEO of SERP

Ambassador Dr. B M Vinod Kumar, IFS

Mr. Ram Dass, Retd. District Judge, Chairman of Wakf Board,

Ms. Subbu Lakshmi, Joint Director, SCDD

Mr. J Anyonya, S.P. PCR, CID

Mr. R Shekhar Reddy, DSP, Women Safety Wing, CID

Mr. P Kishan Naik, CI, City women Police Station, Hyd

Ms. Suneetha Surve, CI, She Teams, Cyberabad

Ms. Shoba Rani, Member, TSCPCR

Mr. Brundakar Member, TSCPCR

Ms. Sajaya, Freelance Journalist 

Mr Ramana, Mr. Anantaiah, and Mr. GDV Prakash, Advocates

Mr. G Shankar, SC, ST Association, Secretary General


Ms. Jhansi Geddam, presided over the meeting.  She invited everyone to the legal clinic and

explained about the objectives of legal clinic.  She explained about the cases and told that compensation is not given in most cases.  Out of 40 cases, compensation is given in only one case.  Compensation is getting so delayed and rehabilitation is not given at all.  She cited one of the victim’s cases in which the government has to grant compensation of Rs. 13/ lakhs but the accused are luring him for a compromise by offering Rs.8/ lakhs.  These types of situations pose difficult problems.  In some cases, SCDD issued sanctioning letters but no money was deposited.

 There are cases involving minor girls and children.  In most cases, charge sheet is also not supplied despite the rules to give.  In all cases she called police and show them the provision to get a copy of the charge sheet.

Police and public prosecutors have to be given trainings to make them more knowledgeable in SC, ST (PoA) Act and rules and related government orders.

Ms. Divya Devarajan, appreciated this activity of DSS in gathering all victims and taking care of the status of their cases with the officials.

She said: I attended this type of conferences organised by DSS on two occasions earlier also.  Our constitution is comprehensive and powerful.  Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who was a legal luminary studied constitutions of all countries and framed out constitution in a perfect way.  We, the officials of various departments have the responsibility of implementation of laws.  We have DVMC in every district.  As district collector we used to review the problems of SC/STs in DVMC meetings and pay compensation and take other measures that are necessary.

 As per the rules, RDO/DSP should visit dalit colonies and give them confidence.  As per law there are special courts and it is our responsibility to implement them properly.  Victim compensation under SC, ST(PoA) Act is of high priority and funds for compensation should be allocated without delay and thereby render victim justice.  Finance and social welfare departments should play their role properly.

Justice should be rendered in time, as the saying goes Justice delayed is justice denied.  Poor dalit victims who are mostly labourers cannot attend unlimited number of adjournments.  It is necessary to speedily solve the cases.  DSS is organising these legal clinics regularly and thereby telling us to do our work.    In one case a minor girl was raped in a orphanage by the person who runs it and through continuous monitoring and follow up he was sentenced to life imprisonment and the orphanage was closed.  This shows that if the entire system works properly in all cases, results can be achieved.  This is our responsibility.  There are various cases, but with regard to cases where the victim is dead, we should give priority for delivery of justice in such cases instead of compensation.  Police generally have heavy work load and to ease the burden of investigation it is good to have special DSPs as in A.P.  I will join you in requesting for such special DSPs in Telangana also.  I assure all help as nodal officer of prajavani.  If necessary, we can conduct a special sitting of Prajavani.

Ambassador BM Vinod Kumar said: It is not easy work to address atrocities and render justice to the victims.  Jhansi Geddam has been doing this laborious work for the past 19 years consistently and serving the downtrodden women.  I heartily appreciate DSS and Jhansi Geddam. I worked as ambassador in several countries and in foreign countries we try to present everything is well in the

country, but when I see the type of atrocities that are being committed it hurts me so much.  If the government is doing something to protect the laws and constitution it is good and satisfying, but when I attend legal clinic like this, I feel nothing is being done.  There are many rights in the constitution and all the present issues are because of non-implementation of the constitution.  Of all the cases that were presented today the cases involving the cheating of girls in the name of love appear to be very heinous.  This is because of neglect of the children by the parents.  It is the responsibility of the parents to monitor the children and see what they are doing and whom they are meeting or chatting on the phone.  Parents are not bothering when the children are continuously watching mobile phone.  In some countries access to internet and watching certain sites is prohibited for children below 15 years.  If politicians and bureaucrats decide, they can bring about lot of change. It is said that prevention is better than cure and it is necessary for us to move in that direction. Towards this it is necessary that women should be economically independent to avoid atrocities and sexual exploitation on them. With regard to Praja Vani, we have formed a wing by name, Pravasi Prajavani to attend to all issues pertaining to NRIs. This is streamlined and is working well and you can use its services. I congratulate all of you for fighting for justice with the help of DSS and I assure all possible help from my side. 

Sri. M Ramdass, Former District Judge and Chairman, WAKF Board actively participated in the proceedings and responded to each case with his suggestions. He said, you should be assertive and

confident.  You should try to know the legal procedures as much as possible. Whenever you are subjected to an atrocity you should not get traumatized and depressed.  You should be resilient and struggle for justice.  Constitution and special laws are provided to protected the Dalits and it is the responsibility of everyone to see that these laws are implemented properly.  It is necessary to spread awareness among the police about the special laws and procedures by conducting trainings.  I appreciate DSS for conducting trainings to the activists, lawyers and women about gender, special laws etc regularly.  DSS has been continuously doing this work with lot of endurance and service orientation.  

Mr. GDV Prakash, advocate said that police have heavy load of work and that is they are unable to

respond properly.  For this reason, in A.P. special DSPs have been appointed to attend to atrocity cases. 

 It is necessary to appoint such special DSPs in Telangana also.  If this is done work of investigation, charge sheet filing and trial work can be speeded up.

Ms. Subba Lakshmi, said that there is no full time Commissioner and this is one reason for delay in granting compensation.  Another reason is not sanction of budget from -finance department.  I have an idea of all cases that are registered district wise and pending cases.  Earlier, finance was sanctioned by district collector, but now the system is changed and there is a single nodal agency which has to monitor all cases and sanction compensation.  Hence there is delay.  But all cases are registered online and everyone will get compensation even if it is delayed. 

Mr. Anyonya, S.P. said: As a dalit I know the life of a dalit.  First, we should get confidence. You

should learn questioning and ask for FIR copy. Police will be afraid only when you start asking for FIR copy.  Regarding, complaint, you should give in writing and ask for receipt.  You should take two copies of your complaint and demand it to be recorded and demand for receipt.  You should develop confidence and start demanding things for which you are entitles. 

Mr. Shekhar Reddy, DSP, Women Safety Wing, said that the women safety wing works as a nodal agency for speedy

completion of cases. She teams and Barossa centres are specially allocated to deal with women cases and you need not go to ordinary police stations for women problems.  Even with regard to victim compensation, departments like DLSA and SLSA will help in following up.  These days no one is bothered about the problems and suffering of others, but Jhansi madam is great person who is attending to solve the difficulties of large number of poor victims. 

 It is the responsibility of every one of us to properly implement and utilise SC, ST Act.  It is necessary to spread awareness on the Act.

Mr. Brundakar Rao, member of TSPCR Commission attended the meet as jury.  He pointed out his observation that prosecutors are in support of the accused instead of the victims.  He felt that those

who are subjected to atrocity are victims and if they have to keep on going around government offices for compensation, it amounts to being victimised further.  He felt that it is not correct to give compensation in instalments.  Once charge sheet is filed, entire compensation should be given to the victim.  He appreciated the efforts of DSS in arranging this legal clinic for rendering justice to the victims and assured full support through the machinery of TSPCR in all districts. 

Ms. Shoba Rani, member of TSPCR Commission said she worked on child rights in various organisations.  She said she learnt a lot from the speakers and victims.  In POCSO cases TSPCR is helping in rehabilitation. She advised the victims should stand up and confidently go forward. 

Mr. Kishan Naik, CI City women Police Station, said:  we have 5 lady head constables and ASI and

we will know the problems of women that approach us and counsel them and register case if necessary.  We keep informing the victims about the progress of the case.  There are 7 women police stations in Hyderabad city. 

Ms. Suneetha, Circle-inspector of police, Cyberabad, said that she is working as She teams admin and received notices regarding 16 cases from Commissions sent by DSS and she came to know about DSS through that notice.

She replied to the notice by collecting data from various police stations about those cases.  She explained that FSL reports are getting delayed and in their review meetings also they discussed about FSL reports.  Regarding compensation, it is true that in most cases compensation is not granted and it is good to speed up giving compensation to victims, particularly victims suffering with mental disorder.  

Mr. Ramana, advocate, said that police are delaying booking FIR in many cases.  They had to approach commissions and DGP also to get the FIR registered.  If this is the situation of persons like them, what is the situation of ordinary people. 

G. Sanker, Secretary General of SC, ST Welfare Association:  I attend all the programmes conducted by Ms. Jhansi Geddam.  If a lower official doesn’t register a case, we can go to higher official, but there will be problems.  The lower official against whom we had gone to the higher official will keep grudge against us for complaining against him.  He will be highly unco-operative even if he is forced to register a case by orders from above. 

Mr. Anantaiah, advocate said, that in both the Telugu states DSS is the only organisation that goes to the aid of dalit women victims.  Jhansi Geddam is doing a great job in bringing the victims and counsellors together and make them solve the problems.  She had done this in Vikarabad also earlier.  He said it is unfortunate that atrocities are going on despite so many systems.  Victims have to face problems at each stage from the time of registering FIR, filing charge sheet, compensation, trial and judgement. 

Ms. Sajaya, free-lance journalist called upon the women to be aware of the law and stand up with confidence for justice.  She advised the women not to disclose everything to everyone.  She said there is lot of insensitivity at all levels and in all institutions.  Victims, particularly rape victims are dealt with insensitivity.  A blind girl was ridiculed if she inserted a pencil in her vagina.  We made an issue of the same at all levels, then the women and child welfare department intervened and they again questioned the girl with the same vulgar question.  We have to develop gender sensitivity among the society and work with organisations like DSS.

Victims explained their agony before the Jury:

International Human Rights Day

16 days activism was concluded on 10th December 2024, Human Rights Day with a conference at Ambedkar Resource Centre, Lakadikapool Pool, Hyderabad.   The theme chosen for the conference was “Women Rights are Human Rights: Equal is Greater”. 

Ms. Jhansi Geddam presided over the conference.  Ms. E. Sudha Rani, Registrar, DBRAOU was the Chief Guest while the other dignitaries that participated in the conference were: Sri. Rajendra Prasad, DGM, Union Bank Retd., Ms. D. Manikyam, DE, TSTRANSCO, Ms. Krishna Kumari, Free Lance Journalist, Ms. Deepti, Coordinator, Nirman.

Ms. Jhansi Geddam, who presided over the conference explained about the object of 16 days activism and how DSS has been conducting gender campaign during these 16 days in slums, mandal and district headquarters, companies, schools and colleges. 

Ms. E. Sudha Rani, highlighted the constant and systematic work of DSS in struggling against all forms of violence on dalit women. She said: It is very significant to note that DSS has been conducting 16 days activism for the past 19 years without fail.  During the past 19 years I have been associated with DSS in questioning all forms of violence on women and rendering justice to women.  In 2006 we have attended international conference and demanded equal rights for women and our struggle to achieve equality continues.  In 1948 when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was framed India signed the declaration.  Even before that, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar fought for equality and eradication of untouchability and oppression of lower castes.  Ambedkar launched Mahad Tank struggle to declare equality.  Ambedkar studied caste system and Indian social situation meticulously and he burnt the Manu smriti for endorsing and justifying caste system.  Ambedkar took care to provide equality for women and reservations and other provisions to uplift the downtrodden castes.

 He framed Hindu code bill for the benefit of women and free her from oppression within the family, but it was rejected by the vested interests then.  Despite strong opposition Ambedkar tried his best to get the bill passed and ultimately, he resigned to his minister’s position in protest against the vested interests.  Despite many laws in favour of women, the implementation is very poor.  Because of the non-implementation of the law’s crimes against women and dalit women in particular are increasing.  It is necessary to spread awareness among women on these aspects and unite them to struggle for equality and implementation of laws meant for their benefit.

Ms. B. Manikyam explained how she learnt about Ambedkar and his thoughts on women equality.  When a girl grows under the care of her mother, she doesn’t learn much about women’s equality.  But after marriage her life undergoes a total change of situation and she has to struggle for her position in the family.  She said in this context she studied Ambedkar’s thoughts on women and learnt that he had great vision on women’s future and her development.

 Equality, economic independence, right to education, right to family, right to environment are all human rights.  Women should have equality in all aspects and for this it is necessary to know and understand the constitutional provisions.  All of us should be aware of the constitution and unitedly demand for proper implementation of the constitution.

Mr. Rajendra Prasad appreciated DSS and said Jhansi Geddam is a sincere and committed leader.  He said that in all castes there will be one leader for 100 people while among Dalits for 100 Dalits all the 100 are leaders.  Dalits are unable to eradicate violence due to dis unity.  He appreciated DSS for its constant work in two Telugu states for the protection and promotion of rights of dalit women. 

Commenting on women he said they are greater than men as they discharge the role of mother, wife, daughter etc.  Due to male domination society is unable to recognise the greatness of women and treating her unequally.  It is necessary for the parents to stop all discrimination and treat both boys and girls equally.  Parents should educate boys about equality of men and women and should socialise boys in the same manner as the girls.  Women should take part in decision making by occupying positions in legislatures.

Ms. Deepti explained about the concept of violence and said it is wrong to consider only physical violence as violence.  Controlling women and depriving her of financial independence is economic violence.  Non implementation and violation of constitution is also violence.  Within the family restricting women and marital rape is also violence.  Child marriage is also violence.  Everyone knows about child marriage but keep quiet.  A child after getting married becomes pregnant and people around, the hospital staff know about the child marriage, but all keep quiet.  Gender violence on dalit/ Adivasi women is more compared to other women.  Violence on LGBT is also more police and government are all against LGBT.  Government which controls every aspect of women is failing to take steps to eradicate violence on women. 

Ms. Krishna Kumari explained that gender gap is more in India than other countries of the world.  If Hindu code bill was accepted when Ambedkar proposed it, the gender gap would not have been what it is today.  Females are discriminated throughout their life from the age marriage and after marriage.  Child marriage is oppressive of women.  The marriage procedure is also discriminatory and after marriage also the woman is oppressed and forced to beget children.  Even there also she is abused if she gives birth to a female child. To achieve equality of women it is necessary for all of us to study Ambedkar and work with organisations like DSS. 

DSS coordinators and dalit women in large numbers attended the conference.



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