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Empowerment of Dalit Women and Girl Children

Annual District Conferences were conducted this year(2013) with the theme of “Empowerment of Dalit Women and Girl Children”. The district conferences were simultaneously organized alongwith campaign on SCSP/TSP Act in the districts of Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Ranga Reddy. In every district conference the focus was on SCSP/TSP Act. District officials of 10 main departments such as Social Welfare department, SC Corporation, Panchayatraj, Women & Child Welfare Department, Educational Department, Rajeev Vidhya Mission (SSA), District Rural Development Agency, District Water Management Agency, Tribal Welfare and Police department were involved in all these conferences to explain in detail on the Act and the plans of the departments in specific to the respective districts.

Conferences were conducted in the following manner:

Team members of DSS have presided over these conferences and explained about the objective of the conference, broad outlines of SCSP/TSP Act, etc.

GDV Prakash, Programme Manager of DSS while narrating about the objective of the conference pointed out that the Indian Constitution has many provisions in the form of fundamental rights, directive principles, etc for the development of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Similarly many laws were enacted for punishing those indulging in violence and untouchability against SCs & STs. But as these laws were not effective, the dalit movement across the country protested and the Government was forced to bring out a more stringent law, namely, SC/ST (PoA) Act in 1989.

As the dalits all over the country were struggling for betterment of their lives and as there was no significant change in the economic development of SCs and STs, the Government of India introduced SCP and TSP in 1978 the objective of which was to allocate due share in the budget for the development of Scheduled Castes in proportion to the population ratio of these sections. Though this objective was declared and the plans launched, in practice it was not implemented by any government with all the seriousness and sincerity it deserves. Many dalit organizations including some political parties have been continually demanding for

proper implementation of the sub plans by making the plans a statutory obligation. Un-relenting movements throughout the country by dalit and democratic forces continually were carried on to achieve the demand. In our own state, it was intensive under the leadership of former Chief Secretary, Sri Kaki Madhava Rao, IAS. The concerted efforts of all resulted in the enactment of the SCSP/TSP Act in 2013. This is first of its kind in our state and is an acknowledgement of right of the dalits for their due share in the budget of the State. The Act came into effect since Jan 2013 and the government has allocated Rs 8584 crores under SCSP and Rs 3500 crores under TSP for the financial year 2013-2014. This budget has been allocated to various departments and few details are Rs 1124 crores for SC Corporation, Rs 88 crores for waiving off electricity charges for houses from 0-50 units per month, Rs 600 crores for completion of Rs 2.35 lakhs houses @ Rs 45,000/- per house Rs 1,758 crores for development of hostels, pre-metric scholarships for 5th to 8th standard students, 100 new hostels for college students, 1098 community halls @ Rs 7.5 lakhs each and one per mandal, Rs 23 crores for repairs of Ambedkar Bhavans, etc. He also said that in the follow-up meeting held by SWD with other departments, like-minded organizations, the Principle Secretary of SWD has said that their department can only give scholarships and manage hostels. Hence are depending on SERP for reaching the dalit households in through their village organizations. We need to closely monitor all the departments for the effective implementation of the Act.

Sri Jhansi Geddam Convener of DSS pointed out that concerned officials have not fully geared up with necessary schemes for their districts for implementation under SCSP/TSP Act. She stressed the need for more qualitative and need based schemes in lieu of existing routine schemes and she promised the gathering that DSS would approach SWD, WCD and other departments with this demand for new and innovative schemes. She called upon the dalit women to demand for their rightful share of the budget and all other financial resources as they have been denied the same since ages. She explained that the bringing of this Act was due to our continuous struggle. She called this Act as recognition of economic right in which thousands of crores are involved. She urged dalits and dalit women to realize that they have shed their blood for the nation and it is their toil that is the basis of production but they live in utmost vulnerability. The most fertile areas in the state are under severe drought and people are being forced to migrate. We need to look into the reasons for unemployment and underdevelopment. The leaders and political parties fight for separate or unified state, but never raise their voices for the sake of dalit, girijans who have been mercilessly killed. She pointed out that it is a slur on the administration of justice that the accused of massacres in cases like Pottilanka are acquitted. Even the dalit girijan representatives who say that they are for dalit girijans do not raise their voices.

She called up on Dalit Girijan community to be alert as though they are soldiers fighting a war.She said that if one is not alert in the war they will be defeated and will lose their lives, likewise dalit girijans who are facing the same analogous situation need to be very thoughtful always. She told that our lives are being ruined due to lack of knowledge and commented that

we don’t have time to think for our families, but have got addicted to watch the devilish idiot box which lies in the corner of every house. The children also neglect their studies and watch the idiot box all the time which is just nothing but a devil (TVs). We don’t have proper houses, toilets, drinking water, roads and other facilities. Likewise our children don’t get quality education and we are not even recognised as human beings. We are deprived of many things, have been exploited since decades and are living amongst unhygienic and vulnerable conditions. We often keep on blaming someone or the other stating that they are not functioning properly, but never try to correct the things from our side. We need to think that why the anganwadi centres and schools are in such a bad shape and are unable to provide qualitative services. The reason for all these questions is lack of knowledge to us. We achieved the economic right for which we have been struggling for many years. Thousands of crores have come for our development. There are many good officers to implement this Act, but the only thing we need to do is to strengthen ourselves and access the funds. We need to gain knowledge and strive to change the present political system. We need to think before we vote and shouldn’t fall prey to money and liquor and cast our vote. Therefore to create awareness to the community on the SCSP/TSP Act and strengthen the hands of the implementing agencies these conferences are being organized in the district head quarters.

Visakhapatnam district conference on Empowerment of Dalit Women and Girl Children was held after launching the campaign on 18th November at Lions Club, Visakhapatnam. The dignitaries on the dais were Sri B. Shivadhar Reddy IPS, Commissioner of Police-Visakhapatnam, Sri Jhansi Geddam of DSS, Sri Srinivasan, Joint Director-SWD, Dr S. Raja Rao, Director-IGNOU, Sri Mahesh Asst Commissioner of Police, Sri Jacob from SC Corporation and Sri Srinivas from DRDA(Unnathi).

GDV Prakash, Programme Manager-DSS in his presidential address detailed about the object of the conference, about the campaign, history of the Act, its advent and the role played by DSS alongwith other organizations. He has also given the details of the budget at state level and the various allocations made for different programmes such as hostels, scholarships, panchayatraj, housing, income generations schemes for dalit/adivasi women, fisheries, land purchase and other schemes through SC Corporation etc., and has asked the officials to explain details about their respective departments.

B. Shivadhar Reddy IPSCommissioner of Police has said that DSS has agitated constitutionally and got the SCSP/TSP Act.To take up a campaign on the same for awareness and its effective implementation itself is an indication for the success of DSS. The advent of SC/ST (PoA) Act in 1989 lead to decrease in Naxalism in 1990s and there was change in the mindset of land

lords. Organizations such as DSS striving for the proper implementation of the Act lead to many changes in the system. He also said that his suggestion of same Investigating Officer for atrocity & counter cases was accepted by the Justice Punnaiah commission in his recommendations. He said that DSS is working like an army and has said about few of its achievements and has appreciated the efforts of DSS. Therefore let us all join our hands to implement both the Acts for the comprehensive development of the dalit adivasis and has promised that Police department will be there always in this endeavour.

Sri Srinivasan SWD has said that we face lot of problems to mobilise people for government programmes, whereas we notice big crowds in all the programmes of DSS. The awareness levels have increased due to publicity. Every department used to spend nominally for SCs

the Act and there is no proper monitoring mechanism. Schemes such as land purchase schemes were not implemented properly. But now due to this Act 16% of the state budget has been set aside for the development of scheduled castes. The Act has made crystal clear that each department has to identify the development gap and design schemes accordingly to fill the gap. As far as social welfare department is concerned, 62 crores have been allocated for Visakhapatnam district for the construction of 4 new hostels for college students, toilets, drinking water and other infrastructural development in SW hostels. The study of SWD in the district has revealed that lack of quality education is the reason for vacancies in the hostels. A diary has been kept to check the accountability of students and teachers. Almost all the departments have no clarity on the quantum of funds except for Municipal administration department and SWD. Therefore organizations like DSS should put pressure on the departments for effective implementation of the Act. SWD should be given overall responsibility including the convener-ship of the district monitoring committees to drive the implementation of the Act.

Mahesh, ACP has said that SC/STs are unable to access the schemes as the middlemen are exploiting them. To access schemes we must have knowledge on it, should accomplish the

requisite skill on the scheme we have opted, then only development can be achieved. Get the land through new schemes, level it and cultivate in a proper manner by acquiring the necessary skills. Similarly we have responsibility towards the society and have to respond in time as per the need to avert the upcoming danger.

Dr Raja RaoDirector-IGNOU has said that DSS is doing a commendable work and if one goes through their annual report we can notice

a variety of activities taken up boldly, which no other organization is doing. Education is foremost important and it builds a human being. Literacy rate is very low in rural areas, whereas the population is more in rural areas and the situation of dalit adivasis is very vulnerable. Hence we should ensure quality education to the rural poor masses.

Sri Jacob has detailed about a variety of schemes implemented by SC Corporation and has said that we need to utilize the schemes to the optimum level. He has raised the problem of the bankers not willing to give consent letters for their share on the reason that the dalits are defaulters and don’t repay the loans. Therefore we need to systematise ourselves and ensure that the bankers come forward to give the matching amount.

Sri Srinivas of DRDA has explained about the process of baseline survey of all the dalit adivasis in the rural areas and needs assessment to be done accordingly by “Unnathi”. After the process the dalit adivasi women will be given financial assistance for income generation activities. Hence he has asked all the dalit adivasi women to get covered under this base line survey to get linkages.

East Godavari district Conference was held at Officers Club, Kakinada on 19th November. K. Rajamani district co-ordinator has presided over the meeting and the dignitaries on the dais were Sri Kaneti Mohan Rao, First Member of Parliament, Sri Madhusudhan Rao JD-SWD, Sri Satyanarayana, Addl. Supdt. of Police, Sri Chakradhar Rao PO-RVM, Sri Vijaya Rao, ADM-District Education Department, Sri Trimurthulu from Unnathi (DRDA), I. Rameshwara Rao of RPI, I. Suryanarayana of DBVKS, D Rama Rao of DBSU, Jhansi Geddam and GDV Prakash of DSS.

Sri Chakradhar Rao of Rajiv Vidya Mission has said that due to education he has come to this stage, though he is from a remote place. We all need to get our children educated. 70% is the literacy rate of our state and among women it is only 57%. The government has established many schools and most of them are within one kilometre. Even the remote villages have schools. There are many residential schools exclusively for the dalits and tribals. Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare departments are limited to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Let us join hands to build a society without disparity.

Sri Madhusudhanof SWD has said that he knows about DSS. SWD is able to implement some programs because of this Act. From 12 best schools in the district, 10 students from each school will be selected for scholarship @ Rs 10,000/- per head. Overseas scholarship is restricted to countries of Australia, Singapore, England, America and Canada. Each student

will be given Rs 10 Lakhs from SWD and Rs 5 Lakhs as loan from bank. The selection process will be done by the state officials of SWD. Only thing the students need to do is to register with SWD. They will be provided coaching for requisite tests to get admission. Pre metric scholarship has been sanctioned for day scholars from 5th to 8th standard. 36 community halls have been sanctioned @ 1 each for mandal. Proposals have also been sent for study circles and repair of Ambedkar Bhavans. Around Rs 80 crores have been sanctioned for SWD-East Godavari district for construction of various hostels.

Sri Satyanarayana Additional SP has said that he is not used to speak in meetings. Thanks to my SP and Sri Jhansi Geddam for giving an opportunity to speak in this good meeting. Until now all the writers of history have mentioned what is on the forefront, but have not written what is underneath. In general we get satisfied with our job and restrict ourselves to it. It is the

responsibility of every one to question injustice where ever we are. Ambedkar has said that he has brought the chariot to the maximum extent he could and has asked the community to take it forward or else leave it where he has left. We need to take this message of Ambedkar to our children. We need to achieve equality in reality and not on papers. The name Dalit Sthree Sakthi itself sounds very powerful and we get power when authority is in our hands. Let us educate our children, take a pledge that we will not take or give dowries and treat the girl who comes to our house as our daughter. Change is not possible through laws and it is inevitable when the human beings change.

Sri Vijaya Rao of Education Department has said that there is no use of rights and Acts until and unless we know about them. The reason for our backwardness is lack of knowledge on

the schemes and Acts being implemented by the government. Every women need to be educated, should work and then only the society respects them. Financial status is also very important. First of all we will have to change and then only our children will change. We all have to utilize the services of education department and grow as a person with good values. We all should utilize the campaign organized by DSS and gain knowledge on the government schemes and Acts.

Sri Trimurthulu of Unnathi(DRDA) has said that as part of SCSP/TSP Act, survey of SC/ST families is being done and until now 1,80,000 families have been surveyed. The main intention is not to miss even one family; hence we all must ensure that all are covered in the survey. He has also explained about the existing schemes such as Abhaya hastham, Bangaru Talli, etc.

Sri Rameshwara Rao of RPI has said that it was Sri Tharakam of RPl who had raised the issue of SCP/TSP for the first time in our state. They have approached the chief ministers Chandra Babu Naidu, Raja Sekhar Reddy and Kiran Kumar Reddy on the diversion of funds with evidences and that is how the governments function. Ambedkar has said we can achieve rights through continuous struggle. He conveyed heartfelt wishes to Sri Jhansi for carrying out struggle in the same line. We can overcome corruption through incessant struggle and hence we should stand by the organizations fighting truthfully.

Sri Dandangi Rama Rao of DBSU has said that DSS has been working on many issues for the past 7 years and now taking up campaign on SCSP/TSP is very important. He expressed solidarity in this endeavour.

Sri I Suryanarayana of DBVKS has appreciated DSS for taking up this campaign and has asked everyone to ensure that the Act is implemented effectively. If it is Act we can force for its implementation. DSS being a women organization has been raising voices on many issues and we all need to express our solidarity.

Sri Jhansi Geddam of DSS has said that our heartfelt regards to our beloved Sri Kaneti Mohan Rao for all pains in attending this programme. East Godavari is the most fertile land in the state and it is pitiable that this area is under severe drought. We need to look into the reasons for unemployment and underdevelopment. She said she takes pride in as she hails from this

place, but the research reports on this area are troubling her a lot and she feared that what will happen to her mother land and the people. In East Godavari District the entire land is being ruined by ONGC. Though the scientists are saying that the East Godavari district will not be visible in the future, leaders and politicians are not opposing it. Why the perpetrators who demolished Ambedkar statues were safeguarded? We need to discuss about all these things. We have been oppressed for generations together.

This is the first economic right which has been introduced after 60 years of independence. The dalit girijans should come in to main stream by accessing the benefits of the Act.

Later Kaneti Mohan Rao was felicitated and his services for the dalit community were applauded. The conference was concluded with the vote of thanks of K Rajamani – District Coordinator.

West Godavari district conference was held at Conference Hall, Surya Residency, Eluru on 22nd November 2013. P. Susanna state co-ordinatorpresided over the meeting and

the dignitaries on the dais were Sri Mallikarjuna Rao, JD-SWD, Suryanarayana, EO-SC Corporation, Prasad from Panchayatraj, Sarath Babu from DRDA, Manikyaveena from WCD, representatives of peoples organizations such as Abraham Director-APSSC, Manisingh WG District Convener Protection of SCSP/TSP Act, Sudharshan President-Mulanivasi Sangh, Venkateswarlu President of AP Girijana Samakya, G Madhu from BSP, Nethala Ramesh & Nicholas from dalit rights organizations, Siva Srinivas Senior Journalist and Jhansi Geddam of DSS. Susanna in her presidential address has said that the campaign has been initiated to mainstream dalit women through SCSP/TSP Act. Organizations apart from the government departments need to know and understand the Act. This is the first ever economic right we got after Independence.

Sri Mallikarjuna Rao of SWD has appreciated DSS for organizing this campaign and said that everybody should know about the Act. If at all a task force team appointed by the government does a survey it would have revealed how far SC/STs are developed.

Special Component Plan has come into force in 1978, but has failed in implementation. National leaders have said that reservations are sufficient for 10 years, since the implementation is not proper, the result achieved is minimal. Many organizations have agitated for this Act. The Act has come but the government has not formulated implementation mechanism. We can access the funds only when a separate agency is appointed. The state council has met under the chairmanship of CM, but implementation mechanism has not been formulated. Earlier the funds allotted under SC Sub plan and Tribal sub plan used to be diverted and spent for other programs. Now if the budget set aside under SCSP/TSP Act is spent for the SCs and STs, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s desire will be fulfilled.

Sri Suryanarayana from SC Corporation has explained about the schemes implemented by SC Corporation. He has said that the subsidy amount is yet to be decided; hence the schemes for this year have not been sanctioned. He also shared that the bankers are not willing to give consent letters for their share on the reason that the dalits don’t repay the loans properly. Therefore we need to systematise ourselves and ensure that the bankers come forward to give the matching amount.

Sri Sharath Babu from DRDA has said that an action plan has been formulated for the SCSP/TSP Act. As part of action plan base line survey of 2 lakh families has been done and provides linkage to those families. These linkages will be provided through village organizations of SERP and a budget of Rs 1 lakh to 10 lakhs has been allotted to each VO and each family will be given 5 to 10 thousands.

Sri Prasad Rao from Panchayatraj has said that they have been spending 15% for SCs and 7 % for STs from their budget every year. During this year also from the annual budget of 40 crores 15% for SCs and 7% for STs is being spent. Those funds are being spent through MPDOs. Whenever any new Act comes it takes some time to reach the target community. Therefore organizations like DSS should take this Act to each and every family. Similarly RTE and RTI have not gone into the communities, therefore we request to campaign on RTE and RTI along with SCSP/TSP Act.

Sri Manikyaveena of WCD has said that they are yet to receive proper guidelines under SCSP/TSP Act, therefore specific planning has not been done. She said that their department is working for the development of women and children, striving for eradication of bonded labour, orphans placed in ‘Sishu Vihar’, give also adoptions for childless couples.

Sri Sudarshan of Mulnivasi Sangh has said that the budget has been allocated at state level, but the schemes need to be formulated and implemented in the villages. The reason for poor response to the scheme of sending students to abroad since the publicity has not reached the target students. Article 31 of the constitution says about financial assistance to SCs/STs/BCs, but the SCs/STs are not given any assistance apart from SC Corporation and ST Corporation. SCSP/TSP Act has come into force only in our state. It has to be made a national legislation. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has given us a good constitution. Since it is not in the hands of good people, is not being implemented properly. Hence political power is the only solution for us.

Sri Venkateswarlu of Adivasi Sankshema Sangam has said that every one of us have to understand the Act fully and impart knowledge on the Act to the community. If we work against any injustice, justice can be accessed. It is very nice that DSS has conducted this meeting by inviting many organizations. The budget has been sanctioned as per old population ratio; it has to be sanctioned as per new population ratio.

Sri Abraham Director APSSS said that it is appreciable that DSS has started this campaign at Visakhapatnam and has reached Eluru after covering other districts.

Let us make institution building and create potential leaders. Once we grow as constructive power we can fight against injustice, exploitation, oppression and discrimination. Change is possible and change is inevitable. We as APSSC have been working in rural areas for the past 30yrs, strengthened community and today from our leaders hundreds have been elected as Sarpanches and ward members in the recent elections. We need to remain honest and straight forward. Development and change can be seen in dalits, when we are honest, sincere and straight forward, oppose injustice in the legislature. Many speakers have said that we have got crores of budgets. It is important that how much each family and their children have received. Educated command respect in the society. They can easily access economic resources. Knowledge brings recognition. We need to be active, joyful and proactive. From this dais we promise that APSSC will extend all its support to DSS in its activities for mainstreaming dalit women.

Sri Jaya Lakshmi from APSSS has said woman is the source of life and without women there is no existence. Women should be respected. We need to respect even the servant maid in our house. Let us all put into practice respecting women and not just remain for speeches. Each of the dalit women leaders present in the conference are looking like warriors and should be made as queens of their villages. Everyone should become like Sri Jhansi. The government has more money meant for us, let us all take this message into villages and ensure that the dalit women access their economic right. Let us all get our children educated and study higher education. Every dalit woman should shine like a moon.

Sri Manisingh said we all waged a relentless battle to get this Act. DSS is doing a wonderful

job by campaigning in the districts for creating awareness and building pressure on the government machinery for its effective implementation. We need to make the optimum utilization of the funds and ensure action against the officers who fail to discharge their duties and at the same time punish the beneficiaries who misuse the schemes.

Nicholas and Nethala Ramesh gave their greetings to the campaign team. Conference was concluded with a vote of thanks from GDV Prakash of DSS.

anganwadi centres and most of them are in dalit localities. Krishna district conference was held at Rotary Club, Vijayawada on 23rd November 2013. The conference was presided over by Sri GDV Prakash of DSS and the dignitaries on the dais were Sri Jhansi Geddam of DSS, Sri Krishna Kumari – PD WCD, Sri Kameswara Rao from SC Corporation, Sri Basava Raju from Panchayatraj, Sri Guravaiah from DRDA, Sri Nirmala Kumari from SWD, Sri Jhansi from BSNL and Sri Baghyamma from CWC.

Sri Krishna Kumari of Women and Child Welfare Department has said it is great that SCSP/TSP has become an Act and now it is a must for all the departments to implement this Act. It is an essential Act. In this district we have 21 projects consisting of 3564 anganwadi centres and

most of them are in dalit localities. We provide nutritious food to children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. We identify pregnant women give them MCP card and provide immunization for the child until 5 years. The working hours of the anganwadi centres have been increased and the services will be improved under this new Act. Proposals for building to more than 60 centres have been sent.

Sri Kameswara Rao from SC Corporation has detailed about the margin money, bank linkage etc. He also said about the requirements for getting assistance and the problem being faced from the bankers. He has asked the beneficiaries to attend the loan mela which is the selection process. The disbursement of subsidy and bank share has been made on line; hence the subsidy will be deposited into the beneficiaries’ account directly from the head office.

Sri Basavaraju from Panchayatraj has detailed about various schemes under the Act and the hurdles being faced in linking with the bankers as they are not coming forward to give financial assistance. Similarly we all need to come forward to access works under NREGA and also utilise unemployment allowance.

Sri Guravaiah from DRDA has said that a baseline survey of the dalit adivasis has been done in all the villages and it is to be completed. Data has been collected through a format consisting of 85 columns and at present cross verification is being done. Everyone needs to be covered under this baseline survey to get financial assistance through SERP.

Sri Nirmala Kumari from Social Welfare has detailed about the various developmental works being taken up in the hostels, pre metric scholarship, and special classes for 10th class students etc. The special classes have lead to increase in the pass percentage.

Sri Jhansi from BSNL and Sri Baghyamma from CWC have appreciated the great work being

done by DSS and said they are proud that a big team of dalit women have been campaigning in the districts on SCSP/TSP Act. The literacy rate among dalit adivasi women is very low and lack of education is one of the main reasons for our under development. Lack of quality education and protection is leading to vacancies in the hostels. Therefore we need to ensure competitive education and protection to the dalit girl children.

Guntur district conference was held on 25th November at conference hall, SC Corporation, Guntur. The dignitaries on the dais were Sri Anand Kumar Bolimera National Leader, Sri Satyanarayana IPS SP-Guntur, Sri D. Satyanarayana CEO-Zilla Parishad, Jhansi Geddam Convener-DSS, Santha Kumari District Co-ordinator-DSS and State Women Collective members. GDV Prakash has presided over the conference and has detailed about the campaign and objective of the meeting. Dr BR Ambedkar’s photo was garlanded by Sri Anand Kumar.

Sri Anand Kumar National Leader has congratulated the campaign team and has said that the campaign demands are very focused and specific. Demanding for the rules to the Act is the need of the hour and DSS raising its voice for the same is great.

Chief Minister of AP has completed 3 years tenure and SCSP/TSP Act is being focused as one of his major achievements. Creating awareness on the Act, demanding for the need based schemes is very much essential. The situation of the dalits in the villages of the district is very pathetic and vulnerable. DSS and other organizations need to raise the demand of the community continuously. Surpanch of the village a dalit women was pleading the MP for a road. It shows the level at which the panchayatraj representatives. The social gap between the dalit adivasis and the dominant community needs to be filled through participatory mechanism. The inequality is still continuing, hence we need to accelerate growth to overcome. All the aspects such as education, health, hostels, and infrastructure are interlinked. DSS is also focussing on dalit girl children, conducted a survey on the hostels, government schools and anganwadi centres, and represented the findings to the concerned authorities. We need to use the gram sabha as a platform to address our issues. DSS has committed staff and leaders with fighting spirit who have been striving hard for mainstreaming dalit women and girl children. DSS has to consolidate the findings of this campaign and district conferences at state and district level and submit to the concern authorities with their demands. Similarly DSS has to share the experiences of AP at national level. We need to bring out good practices and share in other platforms for replication.

Sri Satyanarayana, CEO of Zilla Parishad has said that the campaigns like this are very important to bring awareness on the Acts, the available schemes and entitlements to SCs and STs. From this dais he requested the participants to bring out the failures and draw backs in implementation. SC sub plan and Tribal sub plan was being implemented by panchayatraj since 1997 and many works have been taken up in SC, ST colonies.

The budget from 13th finance and state finance is to be spent for SCs and STs in a ratio of 15% and 8%. The quantum of funds of Zilla Parishad is very less when compared with the other departments. For instance, the budget of Guntur district is hardly 15 crores per year, where as it is hundreds of crores for other departments. Hence we need to focus on other departments as well as increase the budget for Zilla Parishad. The educational institutions are in a very pathetic condition, therefore we need to allocate more budgets, improve the infrastructure and ensure quality education. Still many issues of the dalit colonies are pending though we have many Acts, as the governance is in the hands of few dominant community people. In the past 60 years the development achieved is nominal and we should feel ashamed as caste discrimination is still in existence. Therefore we all need to join our hands in eradicating the social evils and bringing equality.

Sri Satyanarayana, IPS Superintendent of Police has said that the provision of certain rights to the dalit adivasis in the constitution was made based on the history of the country.

4 categories namely women, children, SCs and STs have been given rights as they are socially backward. In democracy unless and until we use the Acts meant for us, the spirit of the constitution is not kept alive. To know our rights and achieve development, education is essential. The government has provided many facilities and entitlements; we need to use them in a proper way. Education is very essential to achieve socio, political and economical development. He has appreciated DSS for its good work and has promised that police department will be always with DSS in this endeavour.

The members of the state women collectives have shared their experiences and success achieved. The representatives of various organizations have expressed their solidarity for the campaign. Conference was concluded after the vote of thanks by Sri Susanna.

Ranga Reddy district conference was held at conference hall, Municipal Office, Vikarabad on

26th November 2013. The conference was presided over by Sri Bhagya Lakshmi, District Coordinator and the dignitaries on the dais were Sri Lakshmi ED-SC Corporation, Sri Chandrakanth Reddy PD-DWMA, Sri Uma Devi from DRDA, Sri Kishan Rao from RVM, Sri Harish Chander from Educational Department and Sri Narsimhulu DSP of Vikarabad.

Sri Lakshmi, Executive Director of SC Corporation has said that to empower dalit women we need to educate them. The main reason for backwardness is lack of education. The government has brought many schemes for our development and we need to know them and access.

Now we got SCSP/TSP Act and the government has given publicity on the name of Indiramma Kalalu in the month of April. DSS need to create more awareness about the Act. Basic facilities like water, drainages, roads etc should be provided in the villages. We should ensure that the children get qualitative education, nutritional food and reduce dropout rate. Thus we should carry forward Ambedkar ideology. Everyone should impart knowledge on government schemes and meet the district officials regularly. SC Corporation will always be helping for community development.

Sri Chandrakanth Reddy, PD-DWMA has appreciated DSS for the work they are doing. If we take the population about 50% are women. There is 75% of share in GDP for women. Dalit adivasi women are backward and if they are brought into main stream, automatically our country will develop. Hostels and schools should be available with basic facilities, nutritious food.

If a girl studies in a family the whole family will develop. There should be committees regarding education of children and the committee continuously monitoring the schools, hostels, teaching methods, etc. The issues should be identified and should be taken to these committees for solution. We need to bring a a GO that belt shops should be at a certain distance from educational institutions and living areas which is not being implemented. We should get the NREGA implemented properly for our economic development.

Sri Kishan Rao, from RVM Project Officer said that education is very important for the development of the society. Most of the parents send the boys to the private schools and girls to the government schools. Irrespective of gender all the children should get educated.

Sri Uma Devi, APD from DRDA said that I welcome DSS and the women who are doing the

campaign for awareness among the first ever economic right in the state. Women think that it is enough if her son studies and her husband do a job. She never tries to educate herself. Until and unless she gets educated the dalit women situation could not be changed. Change is possible only if women become intellectually sound.

Sri Harish Chander, Deputy DEO said that though there are many rights constitutionally, but still the dalits are unable to access them. Government is providing free education through schools and almost all the villages have schools. But the literacy rate is very low especially among the dalit adivasis. Education leads to all sorts of development and therefore we need to promote education among dalit adivasis.

Sri Narsimhulu, DSP of Vikarabad appreciated DSS work. Our children should get educated though we are uneducated. The government has been providing many schemes for the past 40 to 50 years, but only some are able to access them repeatedly as they have come to know

the procedure, this has to be stopped and ensure that all will access equally the schemes under SCSP/TSP Act. In our district most of the dalit women elected to panchayatraj are illiterates, hence they are unable to discharge their duties. Either their husbands or the persons belonging to dominant community are exploiting the situation. Therefore we need to strengthen these women and see that they can govern themselves.

Cultural team consisting of 7 members have presented their powerful songs and slogans in all these conferences.


  • Dalit women, girl children, dalit men in general and official etc got clarity about the new Act as it was made available in the form of booklets in telugu

  • Raising voices in front of the duty bearers for the implementation of SCSP/TSP Act have increased confidence levels among the community

  • Increase in the accountability of the concerned departments

  • Officials sensitized towards the cause

  • Linkages strengthened with the district officials

  • Much visibility for the women collectives at district level

  • Much visibility for the cause through print and electronic media

  • Increase in the awareness levels

  • Coordination among the departments initiated

  • Discussed problems and strategies suggested for resolving

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