Dalit Sthree Sakthi (DSS) celebrated International Women’s Day on 7th March 2021 at Prabuddha Bharat International Hall at Lakadikapool. The event was celebrated as International Shramik Women’s Day. The conference theme was “Share of Dalit women in the Economic Resources”. The conference was presided over by Jhansi Geddam, National Convener of Dalit Sthree Sakthi. Chief Guest was Sri. Narra Ravikumar, Recipient of Padma Sri Award, President of DICCI, South India, and other Honourable guests were: Sri. PSN Murthy, IDAS, Dr. Siddoji Rao, Convener, Help Desk, Sri. Vanajakshi, Director, Aditya Entrepreneurs, Sri Gaurav Gupta, Sri. Aruna, Sri. Krishna Veni. Representatives of DICCI from various states also participated and spoke on the occasion.
Jhansi Geddam explained about the importance of International Women’s Day.She explained that originally International Women’s Day was symbol of working-class women only.She explained that actually, it all started in Soviet Union in February 1917 when the working women from all factories and agricultural labour revolted against exploitation.This revolt of the women was the milestone which paved way for the later successful October revolution in 1917.

In due recognition of the contribution of women, it was later decided to celebrate March 8 as women’s day and in the beginning, it was referred to as International Working-Class women’s Day only. Later, the UN declared March 8th as general women’s day and named it as International Women’s Day. Keepin mind the historical background, DSS conducts March 8th as Working Women’s Day, as DSS is working for the empowerment of dalit women. She pointed out that the Dalit womenare the most oppressed and hard worker in every field but they are denied their just share in the economic resources of the country and due recognition. For this reason, to focus on this issue, for today’s conference DSS selected the theme of Dalit Women’s share in economic resources.
DICCI Chairman Sri. Narra Ravi Kumar spoke on the importance of good qualities for successful business. He stressed that consistent hard work, high discipline and commitment are required for success in business. Micro observation and research is necessary before starting a business and once the business is started one should go ahead with solid commitment, then only one can succeed. In the past the banks had a negative view of Scheduled Castes as defaulters but DICCI erased that perspective of the banks and established that Scheduled Castes can run a business successfully and repay the loan in time.

Gaurav Gupta explained that if farmers form into cooperative society they can get lot of benefits from the government in running businesses like milk and dairy products etc.
Other speakers also stressed on the need for dalit women to claim their share in the economic resources and motivated them to take up various businesses.
DSS coordinator Sri. Bhagya Lakshmi spoke about the need for dalit women to turn into entrepreneurs. Activists of the organization from Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Vikarabad and Medchal participated in the program. Some of them spoke about their entrepreneurial aspirations in chosen fields.
