International Women’s Day programme was conducted at Visakhapatnam on 10thMarch 2016 at Ambedkar Bhavan, Visakhapatnam. The dignitaries on the dais were Sri K. Mahalakshmi,

Executive Director of S.C. Corporation, Sri Raghavendra Rao – Senior Ambedkarite,Jhansi Geddam – National Convener of DSS, G Daniel Vijay Prakash – National Program Manager of DSS,K. Rajamani and B. BhagyalaxmiDSS State Co-ordinators of A.P. and Telangana and others.
GDV Prakash:He hasdetailed in brief about the significance of the day, the background and its prominence. He lamented that the government and other organizations have forgotten the

main reason behind International Women’s Day and have been organizing various programmes irrelevant to it. Therefore DSS ever since its inception has been campaigning on the history behind it and organizing programmes/conferences/workshops accordingly ever year. Therefore he has requested the dignitaries on the dais to speak on the theme “Dalit Women – Empowerment”.
Raghavendra Rao: He referred to the concept of equality in reference to women with men and

referred to the provisions of equality provided in the Constitution of India by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He narrated about the various provisions in the Constitution for women. He appreciated DSS for spreading awareness among dalit women on their rights. He advised dalit women to be united and fight against atrocities committed on them.
Mahalakshmi:She appreciated DSS for spreading awareness among dalit women. She explained about various schemes being implemented by the Government for the economic development of dalit women and appealed to everyone to know about these schemes and utilize them to the optimum level. She said that everyone should strive to spread awareness among deprived sections about the schemes and their rights for achieving equality.
Jhansi Geddam explained the importance of International Women’s Day and the significance of the struggle for better working conditions and protection of human rights. She said, that various conventions at the international level recognize women rights as human rights, similarly, in our country the Constitution and various laws provide for the rights of women. Despite such a legal framework, the rights of women, particularly, the dalit women are being violated regularly. She said that this is happening due to lack of awareness among women and also lack of concerted women’s movement. She pointed out how the dalit women in various villages under the umbrella of DSS are able to discuss about their rights, gender equity and move ahead to achieve rights and entitlements as per law and the Constitution.
K. Rajamani and B. BhagyaLaximiA.P and Telangana State Co-ordinators of DSS, explained the activities of DSS among dalit women and girl children and how the dalit women are now able to go around government offices for accessing various schemes.
